190 research outputs found

    Check list of Cumacea from Iberian waters

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    Colonización del Mediterráneo oriental por cumáceos del Mar Rojo, con la descripción de una nueva especie

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    In samples collected in the course of the national monitoring programme, two interesting cumacean species were collected on the shallow bottoms (6-14 m) of Haifa Bay, Israel. Scherocumella gurneyi, previously known from the Red Sea and the Suez Canal, is recorded for the first time in the Mediterranean Sea. Eocuma rosae is described as a species new to science. Diagnostic characters such as its flattened carapace bearing a sharp marginal carina, the pair of anteriorlycurved acute horns and the pair of dorsal carinae, place E. rosae with other species of the same genus known from the Indo- Pacific Ocean. It is suggested it entered the Mediterranean through the Suez Canal.  En muestras obtenidas en el curso del programa nacional de seguimiento, se recolectaron dos especies interesantes de cumáceos en los fondos superficiales de la bahía de Haifa, Israel. Scherocumella gurneyi, una especie previamente conocida del mar Rojo y del Canal de Suez, se cita por primera vez en el Mediterráneo. Eocuma rosae se describe como una nueva especie para la ciencia. Sus carácteres diagnósticos, tales como su caparazón aplanado con una marcada carena lateral, el par de dientes dirigidos hacia adelante y el par de carenas dorsales, situan a esta especie junto con otras del mismo género conocidas del Indo-Pacífico. Se sugiere que E. rosae entró en el Mediterréneo por el Canal de Suez.

    La il·lustració a l'obra de Charles Darwin

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    Un itinerari submarí. Les comunitats marines dels fons de roca entre les rieres de Mata i de Llavaneres

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    Butterfly hilltopping at Onofre Arnau Hill (Mataró, Maresme)

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    Between March and August 2009 the Onofre Arnau Hill, which is located northeast of Mataró (Catalonia), was visited at least once at month in order to study butterfly hilltopping behaviour. Sampling took place from 7 a.m. to sunset. Environmental parameters, as well as the density and diversity of the respective butterfly populations were measured every half-hour. In order to identify different individuals of the same species, a marking system was used. In all, more than 70 hours of field work were carried out. During the six months of this study, 18 species of butterflies were identified. Both spatial and temporal segregation were established among the species: Papilio machaon, Iphiclides podalirius, Lasiommata megera and Charaxes jasius defended territories mainly in the morning, while Vanessa atalanta and Vanessa cardui defended them in the afternoon. Some species perched on the ground, others preferred herbaceous plants, and still others used bushes. The daily permanence period slowed as the season was advancing for some species. In this context, the number of defended territories also decreased

    Estació de digitalitzat i impressió 3D de plantilles per a la pràctica de l'esport

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    Aquest projecte té com objectiu estudiar la viabilitat econòmica d’un sistema de fabricació de plantilles personalitzades per la pràctica de l’esquí. Es determinarà quin és el millor sistema per a la digitalització del peu, així com el disseny de la plantilla a realitzar pels diferents tipus de botí. També s’analitzarà les diferents alternatives de processos de fabricació, centrant-se en la fabricació additiva. Finalment es realitzarà l’estudi econòmic per analitzar la viabilitat del projecte segons diferents escenaris de demanda del producte

    Fluctuaciones de la extensión del casquete glacial de la isla Livingston (Shetland del Sur) desde 1956 hasta 1996

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    A partir de documentos cartográficos e imágenes de satélite se constata un 4,31% de reducción de extensión del casquete glacial de la isla Livingston desde 1956 hasta 1996. Se detecta la influencia de factores locales, fundamentalmente de tipo topogr á fico, que condicionan los avances y retrocesos del frente glacial en los diferentes sectores de la costa y se establece un modelo simple en el que se relaciona la reducción del conjunto del casquete con el calentamiento atmosférico experimentado en los últimos decenios en la zona de la Península Antártica.Cartographic data and satellite images have revealed that the area of the Livingston ice cap decreased by 4.31% from 1956 to 1996. Local factors, mainly topographic, have an influence on advances and retreats of the ice front. We established a simple model which correlates the reduction of the ice cap and the atmospheric wa rming detected in the Antarctic Peninsula during the last few decades

    Cumacean density, biomass and productivity in the sandy bottoms of the Blanes Bay (Western Mediterranean)

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    During a study on seasonal dynamics and community structure of the sublittoral soft-bottom macroinfauna carried on from 1992 to 1997 in Blanes Bay, ten cumacean species were collected. Density and biomass of Bodotria pulchella, Iphinoe douniae, Pseudocuma longicorne and Pseudocuma simile (the most frequent species) were calculated based on fortnightly samples, from March to September 1992 . Bodotria pulchella showed the highest mean density (47.7 ind. m–2), while its mean biomass (AFDW) was 1.24 mg m–2. Iphinoe douniae showed 35.3 ind. m-2 on average, but its mean biomass was higher than in B. pulchella (2.01 mg m–2) due to its large size. The density and biomass trends varied independently among the four species. However, the corresponding trends for the whole population throughout the five years of study showed higher mean values of abundance and biomass during late spring / early summer. According to an empirical model, the secondary production for the four species ranged between 2.75 and 12.93 mg m–2 yr–1, while the corresponding P/B ratio ranged between 7.1 and 10.8. Although high, these values do not differ from those previously reported for other suprabenthic crustacean populations.Peer reviewe
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